
Do you like a blog candy?!

As the title said....
This is just a quick invitation for the blog candy that Jessica (the owner of There She Goes) is doing over her blog today!!!

Every Sunday, she posts Week In Review on her blog "There She Goes" and she shows all the creations with TSG stamps that the Design Team made that week. She usually picks one winner from the comments and give one card away.
Anyway, since it's her 1 year blog anniversary and the last WIR for January, she is going to give away 3 stamp sets, too!!! How exciting!!
As a member of the DT (lucky me), I'd like to invite you to Jessica's blog candy and look at the all wonderful cards we all made and leave a comment to have a chance to win the blog candy!!

Just click
here to get to the blog candy :)

I'm sorry for the late notice. I came back from church and read about the candy:) Hope it's not too late for you!
I will be back later for Featured Stamper challenge. Thank you for stopping by~

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