
I'm alive

Hello everyone~
I'm sorry that I've been away from my blog last few days.
I was so busy with major cleaning and organizing throughout the house and helped Troy (my DH) put the sliding door in the wall where the windows were used to be (well, he & his uncle did most of the part. I just supervised, hehe) My PC was used to be at the same wall and I had to turned it off for 2 days.
I moved my PC to my stamp room and finally sat in the chair! I'm so happy that all of my stuff is in the one place now :)
If I had a bathroom in my stamp room, I would never come out from the room, except when I had to eat, lol.

Anyway, I will be back to business tomorrow.
Have a great day!


1 comment:

  1. I am so happy for you Maki on your new stamp room. I know you love it. Maybe i will get to come see it one day.



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