
PTI Over the Rainbow Challenge & LSC206

Hello everyone~
One of my favorite stores, Papertrey Ink are celebrating 2 years Annversary right now. I've kept up the all contest everyday although I don't have any luck yet. I'm just having fun these contests as well as all the challenges :)

The card above is for PTI Over the Rainbow challenge. I don't have 3 out of 4 colors Nicole suggested so I used the similar colors instead.
I had a little hard time to finish the card because I had to use 4 completely different hues. But over all, I love the colors combo and you know why when you look at the next card.....:)

私の大好きなストアの1つ、Papertrey Inkが2周年記念のお祝いをしています。くじ運は全然ありませんが、頑張ってコンテストとかにも、毎日エントリーしています。まあ、元来チャレンジ好きなので、これもその延長でチャレンジしています(笑)

上のカードは、PTI Over the Rainbowチャレンジで作ったものです。Nicoleさんが指定した4色の色の内、3色は持っていなかったので、似たような色を代わりに使いました。

Stamps: Women Of Life, Polka Dot Basics (PTI)
Paper: summer sunrise (PTI), old olive (SU), White cardstock (GP)
Ink: summer sunrise, dark chocolate (PTI), old olive, real red, baja breeze (SU)
Accessories: ribbon

Now you know why I like it, lol....the next card is almost same color combos with the PTI card. The colors must have stucked my head while I was making it, lol. This card is for SCS Limited Supplies challnege 206 (LSC206) and the only stamps you can use are SENTIMENTS!
Well, I found the way to use flowers without the flower stamps ;-) The giant flower were made with stickers and prima flower and I added the clear pebble sticker on the center of the flower.
The leaves are originally the leaves felt border sticker from Queens and Co. I just cut 2 leaves out from the border.

花のスタンプを使わずに花を何とか作りました;-) 大きな花は、ステッカーとプリマの花を使い、花の中心には、ぺブルのステッカーを付けました。葉っぱは、元はQueens and Co.からの葉のフェルトボーダーステッカーだったんですが、ボーダーから2枚の葉を切り取って使いました。

Stamps: In My Thoughts (SU)
Paper: so saffron, chocolate chip, whisper white, Friends and Flowers simply scrappin' kit - retired (SU)
Ink: chocolate chip (SU)
Accessories: rhinestones, felt stickers, flower and border stickers, pebble sticker, Nestabilities,

Thank you for stopping by. Have a wonderful weekend~


  1. Hi, just following a link from Nichole's blog. Love your card for this challenge. All your cards are wonderful.
    Where in Texas do you live? I live in Irving, Dallas area.

  2. Hey Makijo! I like your blog so much! I totally love how you translate everything!
    Love your cards, so pretty!
    Here is the one I created for the PT challenge

  3. These are gorgeous, Maki! Know what??...I just got done making a card with the Friendship Flowers DP that I want to post tomorrow. Hehe, great minds!!

  4. Oye....and it's called Friends and Flowers, not Friendship Flowers. I don't know where I came up with that, LOL!

  5. Beautiful cards!

    I wanted to participate in the color challenge but couldn't. I keep my stuff at my sister's house and my car died. No way was I going to walk to her house when it was so cold outside.


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