
There She Goes Trendsetters!!

Do you see the badge I got today?! There She Goes announced the new TSG Trendsetters (it's a new name for DT girls! Isn't it cool?) for March - September 2009 and I'm happy to tell you that I was asked to be the one of Senior Trendsetters!! You definitely want to visit Jessica's blog to find out who are the new members of the Trendsetters :) They are absolutely fabulous girls, I mean Trendsetters!!

Since March is a transition time for TSG, all the old and new Trendsetters are going to play some fun with you guys!!
Remember we asked ONE question that you wanted to ask to the TSG DT? Thanks to your participation, we could collect 10 favorite questions :) My answers are going to be the end of this post if you like to check ;)

For the beginning of the fun sneak peek week, TSG is also having the monthly challenge from now 'til 12:00 AM, Saturday (Friday night). The challenge is to "Bling It Out" -- make a card or project with sparkle, rhinestones, glitters...anything bling counts for this challenge. Please insert "TSG04" for keyword if you upload to SCS gallery. And enter your name and link to your card or project over here (Jessica uses Mr. Linky)

The Sneak Peeks are going to be from Wednesday, 25th to Friday, 27th. Both of old and new Trendsetters are going to show their sneak peek projects on their blog. It's gonna be fun, fun, fun for those 3 days!!

That's not all, guys! We are also having TSG release chat on the Paper Craft Planet from 7-9 PM Pacific on Saturday, 28th. Jessica and Matt (her DH) are doing some giveaways!! Mark the calendar! I can't to wait to chat with you all :)

Well, I think I covered all... Thank you for reading!

TSG 10 Questions and Answers:

Q1. What do you typically start a project with? What's picked first: stamps, embellishments, DP, colors.....?
A1. I usually pick stamps I want to use. Then colors or DP. I hardly pick the embellishments for starting.

Q2. Do you give away your cards, sell them, send them or hoard them? Or all of the above??
A2. I give away, send them or hoard them (most of, lol) but I never sell them before...I'm interested in doing though. I just don't know where to start!

Q3. If you could design your own stamp or stamp set, what would it be?"
A3. A tough question! I never thought about designing my own stamps, lol. But if I could....I'd like to Kanji (Chinese letters) stamps with my own hand writing :)

Q4. Where do you get your inspiration?
A4. Many things....fabric, home interior magazine, natures, subscribed blogs....and SCS gallery!

Q5. How do you balance your stamping time with your personal time/work/kids/etc.?
A5. This is something I want to ask other Trendsetters, too! I'm a SAHM right now and my stamping time is during my kids are at school. I do cleaning and laundry and important phone calls during the time also. After they come home after school, it's a family time. I help them homework, cook and spend a time with my family. If I need more time, I will go to my studio after they goes to bed until my hubby calls me "Bed Time!" lol. I usually write my blog in the living room during watching the kids and TV.

Q6. What is your favorite embellishment?
A6. I have to say it's ribbons!

Q7. What is something that not a lot of people know about you?
A7. Is anything you don't know about me?? Well, maybe my age. I'll be 36 next month. Oh, and I was born and grew up in Tokyo -- the biggest city in Asia and now I live a small town that doesn't even have traffic lights, lol. You talkin' a culture shock!!

Q8. On average how long does it take to create one of these fabulous cards we see each week??
A8. It's depend how much the card is complicated. But I think the average is 1 hour.

Q9. What is your favorite coloring medium?
A9. Primacolor pencils and gamsol is my favorite. I also like Copics and reinkers with watercolor brush.

Q10. What time of day do you prefer to do your creating?
A10. Anytime except early mornings. I'm not a morning person.

Here is the link for each Trendsetters who are answering the questions. I'm off to check their answers, too :)


  1. Hi Maki!!! LOVE your answers (Not a single traffic light??? really???) and can't wait to get to know you better on the DT! You are SO super talented!!! Hugs!

  2. I visited your home city years ago as part of a month long trip to Japan. It was a trip of a lifetime!

    Congrats on becoming a Senior Trendsetter. I look forward to learning from you. Love your work!!

  3. Great answers Maki!

    I have a Kangi tatto on my back that means "Eternal Child". This sooo fits my personality lol!

  4. (((Maki))) I would love to see a set with your handwritting...I would need a translation so I didn't stamp something obscene...:) but I would love it! Hugs @ ya!

  5. Senior Trendsetterになられたんですね!

  6. Oh my word, I would have never guessed you're 36...you look SOOO young! CONGRATS on being on the Senior DT! Keep those beautiful cards coming, girl. You know I love your stuff! :)

  7. Hi Maki! I'm so excited to be on this team with you! Thanks for sharing your answers, loved hearing about you!

  8. Hi Maki! I am SO excited that I'm going to be designing with you!! Japan is one of my husband's dream places to go but no traffic lights? Wowza! LOL I would've never guessed your age! I would think maybe mid 20's? You look so young!

  9. Makiko San,

    Congratulations!!!! You deserve this. Your creations, and I mean all of them, are always stunning. I am looking forward to the wonderful things you'll come up with over at TSG.
    Don't panic about being 36. You are still young!!! I am 43, now that is getting older there :D:D:D!!
    Again, congratulations!!!!!


  10. Maki - it's so nice to get to know you some more!!! You know I'm a fan!!! Hugs ~S~

  11. Congratulations, Congratulations, Congratulations Maki. I am so happy for you. What day is your birthday?


  12. Wow...no traffic lights! That is a huge change!!

    I'm not a morning person either...definitely can't stamp early!


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