
SC220 & another CC210

Yay, yay, yay!! My first Verve Stamps came!! They are so beautiful and I don't know why I waited to get them until now??? Silly me, lol.

I used SCS Color Combination challenge 210 (CC210) <- again! and Sketch challenge 220 (SC220).
The proccess for the main panel was very similar to Michelle Zindorf's resist and brayer technique. Of course her work is a far more beautiful than mine ;)
I stamped the big butterfly with Memento black ink and colored the inside, using daubers & inks. Then I filled the image with VersaMark pen and heat embossed it with clear embossing powder. And I colored the background with a brayer and sponges. And I stamped the swirl leaves image around the edge.
I did the same manner with the big butterfly for the small butterfly on the another white cardstock and it was trimmed and adhered on the main panel.

イエイ、イエイ、イエイ!! Verve Stampsから初めてオーダーしたスタンプが届きました!!もうとっても素敵です!! 今まで、購入せずにいたの自分が、とっても不思議です(笑)

メインのパネルの作り方は、Michelle Zindorfさんが良く使っているレジストとブレイヤーのテクニックを真似てみました。勿論、彼女の作品とは、出来栄えが月とスッポンですが。。。

Stamps: Beautiful Kindness (Verve)
Paper: summer sun, basic black, kraft, Bella Rose dp (SU), white cardstock (PTI)
Ink: Memento tuxedo black, VersaMark pen (Tsukineko), summer sun, riding hood red (SU), Distress Ink old paper, black soot (Ranger)
Accessories: rhinestones, ribbon

Tools: Nestabilities, doubers

Before signing off, I just want to let you know There She Goes Trendsetters are going to have Blog Hop tomorrow for the first day of spring :) You know it's a time for spring cleaning and so is TSG (hint, hint!). Ok, that's it from me. Have a wonderful day!!

サインオフする前に、1つだけお知らせがあります。明日、There She GoesTrendsettersが、ファーストデーオブスプリング(春の始まりの日)に因んで、ブログホップを行う予定です。周りは春の大掃除の時期、それはTSGでも同じです(ヒント、ヒント!)それでは、私からは以上です。素敵な1日をお過ごしください。


  1. Maki, this card is so beautiful!!!! I love butterflies and this card is just gorgeous!!!!
    I felt the same way when I received my first order from Verve!! :D:D:D
    Hugs, Sabrina

  2. This is gorgeous!! I love those butterflies!!

  3. what a fab use of the sketch....so springy with the butterflies and the luscious colors.

  4. 小さな蝶が加わることで、軽やかな感じがUPしますね!
    Michelle Zindorfさんのテクニック、私もいつも憧れをもって見ています。彼女の配色のセンス…まねようと思ってもできるものじゃないですね(^^;)

  5. LOVE the card and welcome to your newest addiction!!!! I can't get enough Verve, good luck not buying any more ;)

  6. Oops, i put my comment in the wrong place . Love the doorway card, it is so inviting.


  7. Love what you did with these Butterflies! They are very pretty!


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