
KS Crew Challenge #11

Happy Monday everyone!
Today's post is very exciting and special for me. I'm a guest hostess of KS Crew Challenge #11!! I hope you will enjoy the challenge as much as I do :)

The challenge is to
-Make a card or a project with using monochromatic color scheme.
-Incorporate a dimensional material (s) into a card or a project.

I always love using monochromatic colors for my cards and projects. Each color gives different meanings to us like red symbolizes as energetic, powerful, passionate and purple does as royal, elegant, sophisticated. I'd like to see your project with monochromatic and give some dramas with Kitchen Sink Stamps!
As for the dimensions, it could be with using the dimensional adhesives, interactive design that make a project pop, using cottons under the flowers to look dimensionally or anything make eyes pop, lol.

Visit Kitchen Sink Stamps blog for the detail about the challenge and check what other KS crews (Angela, Dee, Julie, Lori, Lynn, Maria, Nicole and Tammy) are cookin' for the challenge!!

今回は、私にとってとてもエキサイティングで、スペシャルな更新です。何と、今回のKS Crew チャレンジ#11を、私がゲストホステスで担当する事になりました!!私と同じ位、このチャレンジを楽しんでいただければ幸いです。


私は、モノクロな色でカードや作品を作るのが大好きです。それぞれの色は、私達に違った意味を感じさせてくれます。例えば、赤は、エネルギッシュ、パワフル、熱情的、そして紫は、高貴、エレガント、高尚。是非、Kitchen Sink Stampsのスタンプを使って、モノトーンの色を使った作品に、息を吹きかけてみてください。

このチャレンジの詳しい内容は、Kitchen Sink Stamps ブログを、是非チェックしてください。後、他のKS クルーメンバー(Angela, Dee, Julie, Lori, Lynn, Maria, Nicole and Tammy)が、チャレンジした作品も、是非見に行って下さいね。

Ok, enough for the information! I made the 2 cards for the challenge.

For this card, I used the dimensional adhesives with layering the bear. I used 3 step Get Well Teddy set for the main image and 3 step Pansies for the background. I chose blue color scheme for the card because it is associated with health, healing and calming. I thought it would be perfect for this "hang in there!" card.

このカードでは、フォームステッカーを使って、クマを重ねて凹凸を出しています。3ステップGet Well Teddyをメインに使い、3ステップPansiesをバックグランドに使いました。このお見舞いカードには、健康、ヒーリング、静穏を意味する青色を使う事にしました。

Stamps: Get Well Teddy, Pansies (Kitchen Sink Stamps)
Paper: soft sky, baja breeze, blue bayou, whisper white (SU)
Ink: teddy bear - soft sky, baja breeze, brocade, pansies & leaves - soft sky, baja breeze, brocade blue, blue bayou, sentiment - blue bayou (SU), white gel pen
Accessories: ribbon (SU)

Tools: Nestabilities, border punch (EK Success), piercing tool, Scor-pal

For the next card, I made a pop-up card with 3 step Hey Chick! This card is for girls and PINK is the color I think about us, girls. Pink is associated with romance, love, friendship, feminine qualities and passiveness...;) I think these chicks are so cute with pink, too!

次のカードでは、3ステップHey Chick!を使って、ポップアップカードを作りました。このカードは、正に女性用なので、私が1番始めに思い浮かんだピンクを使っています。ピンクは、ロマンス、恋、友情、女性らしさ、そして受身を意味するそうです。ピンクを使ったことで、このヒヨコももっと可愛らしくなったと思います^^

Stamps: Hey Chick! (Kitchen Sink Stamps)
Paper: regal rose, pink pirouette, very vanilla (SU)
Ink: chicks - pink pirouette, pretty in pink, regal rose, riding hood red, egg - pink pirouette, pretty in pink, regal rose, flowers - pink pirouette, sentiment - riding hood red (SU), VersaMagic (Tsukineko)
Accessories: ribbon (SU), flowers (Prima), rhinestones

Tools: Nestabilities, oval & scallop oval punch (SU), embossing folder (Cuttlebug)

That's it from me. Thank you for stopping by. Have a wonderful day!


  1. These are gorgeous! LOVE that blue teddy!

    BTW...thanks for stopping by my blog! My mommy says thank you and to send you a virtual hug...so here is one from me and one from her! {{Maki}} {{Maki}} :)

  2. チャレンジのゲストホステスを務めるなんて素敵ですね!そして、テーマもとっても魅力的、2枚のカードはどちらもgorgeousです。

  3. Two gorgeous creations! What a pleasure it was to play along with your challenge!! I love the pansies with the bear and of course the chick-a-dees! Beautiful work!

  4. These are beautiful. I love monochromatic cards, too. That layered bear is lovely and the chicks card is so cute.

  5. Beautiful cards! The layers on the first and the pop-up on the second..just brilliant!

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Sorry for the redo!! Why can't I ever master spelling?

    I had so much fun playing your monochromatic challenge, Makiko!!

    Thanks so much for these two inspiring samples!! I love them both!! What gorgeous work with the dimensionals!!

    Your work is breath-taking!! As always!!!

  8. Makiko, Welcome and congratulations on your hostess spot for this challenge. These cards are beautiful and you really worked some stamping magic with this challenge. I can't wait to play along.

  9. what sweet and wonderful cards....love them all....they are like sherbert.....bright, sweet and refreshing

  10. Oh these cards are just so perfect Makiko!! I love love your chicks in pink!! You are a master at monochromatic!! Thanks so much for joining us this week!! :)

  11. It always gives me encouragement and ideas. If I have to, I’ll do a quick draft to show what I’m looking for. If you really have to, I will go the extra mile and design myself. But part of my job is to teach, to inspire, to put my team on track. It is always a challenge to help design work through work without inspiration, but you have to do. Fortunately for me, that does not happen very often.


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