
KS Monday and an Exciting News!!

Hello everyone~
I'm so excited to tell you that I'm going to join Kitchen Sink Crew from May!! I can't believe it!! I'm just a girl who loves to make cards and enjoys participating challenges. Now, I'm going to be a crew member with these talented and fabulous ladies... can someone pinch me, lol??
Thank you, Maria for giving me this wonderful experience, and I will look forward to get to know each Crew member. I'd also like to congratulate Connie and Lisa for joining to the Crew with me!! I'm super excited with working with you, too!!

今回、嬉しいお知らせがあります。実は、5月からKitchen Sink Crewの一員になることになりました!!!とても早く事が進んでいて、未だに信じられません!! カードを作ったり、チャレンジに参加することが大好きなだけの私が、才能もあり、素敵なスタンパーと一緒のクルーメンバーになれるなんて。。。誰かつねってくれませんか?(笑)

To kick off my excitement, I made the card for Kitchen Sink Monday with Multi Step Tulip Garden. Unfortunately the tulip season is already over here in Texas but we can always enjoy the beautiful flowers year around in the card world, right? :)

興奮のついでに、今回Kithcen Sink Monday (KS Monday)でのカードを、Multi Step Tulip Gardenを使って作りました。残念ながら、ここテキサスでは、チューリップの季節は終わってしまいましたが、カードの世界では、1年中この美しい花を楽しむことができますよね?^^

The flower pot was folded with 6" x 6" paper. The instructions can be found everywhere but this one is very easy to follow. The tulip mat can be used as a bookmark.
The sentiment on the bookmark is from 3 Step Hibiscus and the one inside of the card is from 3 Step Daisy.

植木鉢は、6" x 6"のペーパーを折りました。チューリップのマットは、ブックマークにもなります。
ブックマークの言葉は、3 Step Hibiscusのセットから、カードの中の言葉は、3 Step Daisyのセットからのを使っています。

Stamps: Multi Step Tulip Garden, sentiments - 3 Step Hibiscus, 3 Step Daisy (KSS)
Paper: barely banana, kiwi kiss, old olive, pumpkin pie, more mustard dp (SU), white cardstock (PTI), Citrus Stack (DCWV)
Ink: tulip - barely banana, summer sun, pumpkin pie, really rust, leaves - certainly cerely, kiwi kiss, old olive, sentiments - chocolate chip (SU)
Accessories: ribbon, brads (SU), pearls (Michael's)

Tools: ticket corner punch (SU), decorative corner punch (EK Success)

Don't forget to see what the other Crew members have made for KS Monday!

Angela * Connie * Dee * Julie * Lisa * Lori * Lynn * Maria (owner) * Nicole * Tammy

You also have one more week to enter KS Crew Challenge #12- hosted by Maria. You will have a chance to win $50.00 worth of Kithchen Sink Stamps and eligible to be a Guest Hostess for the Crew challenge!!

他のクルーメンバーのKS Mondayの作品も忘れずにチェックしてくださいね。夫々のブログは、上の生をクリックしてください。

あと、Mariaさんが主催のKS Crew Challenge #12のエントリーも1週間を切りました。$50.00分のKitchen Sink Stampsの商品と、Crewチャレンジのゲストホステスになれるチャンスがあります。KSSのスタンプをお持ちの方は、是非チャレンジしてみてください!

Thank you for stopping by. Have a wonderful day!!


  1. Congrats, Maki. You make beautiful cards that if I have to make up my own DT, you'd be on my short list :-). I like the KS stamps multi step stamps as I am color-challenged. One of these days, I'll take the plunge and get one of their sets.

  2. What an amazing card, Makiko!! Absolutely divine for your debut as a Kitchen Sink designer!! What could be more perfect than this awesome pot with its beautiful pull-out blossom!!

    I know I will continue to be inspired by your beautiful KSS creations!! Such an incredible talent you have. I look forward to working with you on the Crew!!

  3. Welcome to the Sink Makiko! We are so excited to have you here as a part of the crew! What a gorgeous debut creation you have made. I am loving your tulip bookmark in the origami pot. Brilliant! I can't wait to see the many ways you'll be enabling....errr inspiring me.

  4. YAHOOOOOOO! That's awesome news, Maki!! They're lucky to have your amazing talent on the team. Your tulip card is STUNNING!! Love Love LOVE it, gf!

  5. Just beautiful - love the oragami pocket for your wonderful pullout!

  6. This is wonderful, Maki!! I just love the little pot pocket for your tulip!! Very creative!

    Congrats, and I look forward to creating with you on the crew!!

  7. This is beautiful Makiko!!! Love the gorgeous colours and details, the awesome bookmark and the design of the card!

  8. Congrats Maki!!! You are an awesome stamper and they are lucky to have you :)!!! Hugs ~S~

  9. Congratulations Maki, you are the best.


  10. Wow, this card is georgeous! Congratulations on your new Kitchen Sink Status. Your work is creative and lovely.

  11. What a fun card!! The papers are just beautiful and the design is so fun! Welcome to the team, we are so excited to have you joining us!! :)

  12. Congratulations Maki, KSS is lucky to gain your designing talents! Your cards just knock me out, and you have a real expertise with the KSS stamps! Have fun with your new position, you've earned it :)
    This little tulip flower pot/bookmark is so unique and clever! It's just so cute, I love it!!

  13. How awesome! Congrats Maki!!! This card is amazing!!!

  14. So glad you're joining us on the Kitchen Sink Crew, Maki! I love your bright card. What a fabulous idea to make the flower pot insert into a bookmark!


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