
Before I leave

Hello everyone~
No cards to show you today (and a couple days).... I just want to let you know that I'm leaving for South Dakota to attend a memorial service for my husband's best friend and his son. They were killed by a motorcycle accident last Friday...I can't even have a word to describe what his wife and family are going through right now. We all have devastated the sad news....
Please wear your helmet even when you are going to ride a block. Please...

I will be back on Thursday night and hope I go back to my room to make something to show you for this weekend. The good thing is There She Goes Sneak Peek is already scheduled for Saturday :)

Hope the rest of your week will be wonderful!! See you soon~


  1. Makiko san, I am sorry to hear of such sad news. My husband always gets upset when he sees people riding their motorcycles without helmet and proper gear. You never know what is going to happen and this right here is the perfect example. A very sad example!!!! I'll say a special prayer for his family. Be safe my friend. Hugs, Sabrina

  2. I am so sorry for your family, and the family of the deceased loss. In my opinion, Motorcycles should NEVER be rode without proper head gear and are no place for children, I just hope that one day people realize that and make it illegal to ride without a helmet and with small children. That doesn't take away from how sorry I am for your DH's friend and son, and the ones they left behind. Hugs to you girl, take care.

  3. Maki - I'm so sorry to hear that sad news!!! Yes - it is very important to wear your helmet!!! My hubby is a biker and I will not let him leave the house without it!!!

    My thoughts and prayers are with you guys and your friends family!!! Hugs ~S~

  4. Makiko,I am so saddened to hear of your dear friends' tragic accident.

    You will all be in my thoughts and prayers during these difficult days.
    Please travel safely!

  5. I am so sorry about the accident. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family as well as the family involved.

  6. Keeping you, your hubby, family, and friends in my heart and in my prayers. What a tragedy!!!


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