
CC227 & SC237 -- Anniversary card

Hello everyone~
Today my hubby & I are celebrating our 14th wedding anniversary. Unfortunately he is in Mississippi right now. After 16 years of Military life, we get used to celebrating the special days over the phone, lol. The difference between 14 years ago and now is that our relationship is stronger and I make an anniversary card instead of buying one, lol.


I used the sketch from SCS Sketch challenge 237 (SC237). Since I didn't do Color Combination chalenge 227 (CC227) yesterday, I decided to throw it into the challenge. I'm glad I did. They are very elegant and beautiful colors.
The heart and border were stamped with VersaMark and heat embossed with PEARL embossing powder by Kodomo No Kao. I LOVE the look of pearl and I totally reccomend the quality of the powder. Wish I got the different colors while I was in Japan...


OK, back to my card...I dabbed purple and yellow colors with sponge dauber over the embossed images and some gray for around the heart. I stamped other images randomly on the heart mat. I decided to layer the same heart image over the original one with the dimensional adhesives at the last minutes. I think it made the heart stand out more.


Stamps: Ever After, Hugs & Wishes, Bella's Border (SU)
Paper: barely banana, basic black, basic gray, almost amethyst dp (SU) white cardstock (Strathmore)
Ink: VersaMark, Memento tuxedo black (Tsukineko), lavender lace, barely banana, basic gray (SU)
Accessories: ribbon (SU), pearls (Michael's), embossing powder (Kodomo No Kao)

Tools: Nestabilities (Spellbinders), piercing tool

Thank you for stopping by today.


  1. Happy Anniversary Maki. I know what you mean. My hubby was in the Air Force for 26 years, 10 of which we were married. So I know what you mean. There were quite a few holiday/special days that he was away, but as you've said it makes you stronger. All right, let me get to your card. It is absolutely GORGEOUS, Maki. I hope that when your hubby gets back you'll be able to have some quality time to celebrate :D:D.
    Hugs, Sabrina

  2. This is just so wonderful, Maki!! Love your distressed heart! Happy Anniversary too!

  3. Woo Hoo! You totally ROCKED these challenges girl! I found this color combo SO hard, but look at this DIVINE creation! WOW Maki!!

  4. Awww, congratulations on 14 years of marriage! DH and I will be doing that in Jan. May you have many more years to create wonderful memories together.

  5. Congratulations Maki on your anniversary and many more!!!!! Love your card.



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