
KS Crew Challenge #10

Hello everyone~
I participated Kitchen Sink Crew Challenge #10 (KSCC#10), hosted by Tammy. The challenge is to create an ATC and then incorporated the ATC into a card. What a fun and awesome challenge!! KS Crew challenge also has a fantastic prize every challenge! If you have any KS stamps, why don't you try it?

今回は、Tammyさんが担当のKitchen Sink Crew チャレンジ#10(KSCC#10)に参加しました。チャレンジは、ATCを始めに作り、その後カードに、作ったATCを取り入れるです。とてもいいテーマで楽しくチャレンジできました。KS Crewチャレンジは、素敵なプライズもあるんですよ! KSスタンプをお持ちの方は、是非トライしてみては如何でしょうか?

Here is the ATC I made:

I used 3-step Humming Bird set and Hibiscus set. After I stamped the bird and flower, I masked the flower and stamped the leaves. And then I added the stickles on a part of the flower and bird. I kept it simple and used only ribbon on one corner for the embellishment.

上の画像は、作ったATCで、3ステップHumming BirdとHibiscuのセットを使いました。鳥と花を夫々スタンプした後、花にマスキングをして、葉っぱをスタンプしました。それから、花と鳥の一部にスティックルズを付けてあります。なるべくシンプルにしよう思ったので、エンベリッシュメントは、1角のリボンだけにしました。

Ok, this is the card I made with the ATC:

Now, I kept the flowers and leaves throughout the card looks like the continuous scene. I love the colors and Hibiscus images that give such a drama to the card. Many masking and stamping were required but it's worth the time. I added more embellishments this time and pierced around the ATC.


Stamps: 3 Step Humming Bird, Hibiscus (KSS)
Paper: white cardstock (PTI), tangerine tango (SU)
Ink: humming bird - certainly cerely, green galore, taken with teal, bravo burgundy, chocolate chip/ hibiscus - appricot appeal, pumpkin pie, tagerine tango, bravo burgundy/ leaves - certainly cerely, old olive/ sentiment - chocolate chip (SU)
Accessories: ribbon (SU), rhinestones

Tools: piercing tool, border punch (EK Success)

Thank you for stopping by. Have a wonderful day!


  1. Wow! That is a stunning card. You did a great job.

  2. I know this card took you a while, but it is worth it. Absolutely gorgeous.


  3. Seriously.....take my breath away!!

  4. What exquisite work!! Absolutely awesome!!! A mini masterpiece!!

  5. スタンプとは思えない美しさです!デザインペーパー??と思いました。

  6. What a gorgeous creation. I love how you make it look like the ATC was a continuation of the rest of the card. The ribbon and the piercing add the perfect finishing details. Thanks for playing along with us!

  7. Absolutely stunning!! I love the colors and the card you popped it on is just beautiful! Great job! :)

  8. What a fabulous card! You are a very talented gal.

  9. absolutely stunning! thanks so much for playing!


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