Hello everyone~
I was not feeling good and just took easy for a day. I watched recorded TV shows while folding clothes, checking all subscribed blogs (500+ new posts, Wow!) and took a nap.... maybe I just needed to enough sleep because I felt much better after I woke up :)
I made the card for SCS Way to Use It challenge 204 (WT204). In the last post, I mentioned that I was hoarding many papers and embellishments....Julia S (the challenge host) must have read my mind because the challenge was to find the way to layer the embellishments.
Along the challenge, I decided to make the matching gift bag to enter the one of the contests that was going on over Nicole's blog for Papertrey Ink 2 year anniversary.
カードは、SCSのWay to Use Itチャレンジ204(WT204)で作りました。前の更新で、沢山のペーパーとエンベリッシュメントを勿体無くて使えずにとってあることを書いたのですが、Julia Sさん(チャレンジのホスト)は、多分私の気持ちを読んでいたんでしょうか。。。今回は、エンベリッシュメントを重ねた使い方をするチャレンジでした。
このチャレンジに伴い、Nicoleさんのブログで只今行われているPapertrey Ink2周年記念のコンテストの1つにエントリーするために、お揃いのギフトバックも作りました。
For the both gift bag and card, I used Prima flowers. I layered the tied ribbon to the flower on the card. And I used the same ribbon as bag handles with looping through the each flowers. The rhinestones I used on the butterflies are hotfix crystals.
The template for the bag was made by Angela Sylvester and it was featured on SU On Stage magazine. This gift bag is also a great way to use up my hoarding designer papers, lol. The card base and gift bag were used with retired SU Simply Scrappin' kit. Yep, another hoarding supplies ;-)
バックのテンプレートは、Angela Sylvesterさんが作ったものを使ました。これは、SU On Stageマガジンで紹介されたものです。このギフトバックは、使いきらない紙を使い切るのにもいいですよ(笑)カードとギフトバックは、廃盤になったSUのスクラップブックキットを使いました。これも、使いきらない品ですね~^^”

Stamps: Butterfly Kisses (PTI) |
Paper: soft sky, wild wasabi, pumpkin pie, simply scrappin' kit (SU), White cardstock (GP) |
Ink: soft sky, blue bayou (SU) |
Accessories: hotfix crystals, prima flowers, ribbon, Nestabilities |
Well, that's it from me. Have a wonderful day!
WOW, Maki!!!!!! This is simply amazing. Thank you for sharing your gift of creativity.
You always amaze me with your talent. great job Maki
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